VLOOKUP is a must-have Excel function that’s used to manipulate data. In this 90-minute webinar we’ll explore VLOOKUP and the additional options that make it such a useful tool – and then delve deeper into the Lookup and Reference Function options. Lookup and Reference: explore VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP and alternatives like INDEX and MATCH.
Registration ends by 5pm the day prior to the Webinar.
Pre-registration is required to attend this class.
Once you register on Eventbrite, you will receive an email from the instructor through GoToWebinar with the link to join this class.
For an optimal webinar experience when registering and attending these virtual workshop, the following is recommended:
You’ll receive the following emails. Last two have Join Webinar/LINK to attend
Note: There’s NO access code, you’ll receive JOIN WEBINAR/LINK in your 2nd& 3rd emails.
Information/Cancel workshop-send email to webinar.organizer6@gmail.com
You can also send a note via Eventbrite website in the ticket order email section.
The North Suburban Cook County American Job Center is committed to providing all customers with quality, professional services as well as a safe and comfortable learning environment. The use of our resources implies acceptance of our Customer Code of Conduct, which is based on the principle of respect for all customers and staff. READ: https://www.northcookjobcenter.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Customer-Code-of-Conduct-handout.pdf
QUESTIONS? EMAIL: contact@bcsillinois.org
Subject to change without notice.