How do I introduce and effectively describe myself in 500 characters (including spaces!) You WON’T believe just how easy it is!!
Knowing how to concisely introduce yourself with confidence is a skill that can be learned! Showcase your skills and explain why you’re the best.
Craft your custom message and effectively promote your strengths. We’ll share our template to show you how easy it is write your perfect pitch!

A few notes:
- Registration closes 24 hours prior to workshop.
- Your meeting access link will be emailed two hours prior to the workshop.
- If you do NOT RECEIVE your ticket confirmation upon registration – PLEASE CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER.
- For more free workshops, computer classes and job fairs visit:
- BCS is committed to providing all customers with quality, professional services as well as a safe and comfortable learning environment. The use of our resources (in person or virtual) implies acceptance of our Customer Code of Conduct (see attached Code of Conduct), which is based on the principle of respect for all customers and staff.