New again! 10 Rules for working with Recruiters
Back by popular demand! Learn what recruiters don't tell you.Ready to jump ahead of the pack? Understand what recruiters can do, and can't do for you as a job seeker.Understand...
Back by popular demand! Learn what recruiters don't tell you.Ready to jump ahead of the pack? Understand what recruiters can do, and can't do for you as a job seeker.Understand...
Maybe a little friendly coaching will help? Why are you getting the interview but not the job? Get the guidance you need to sharpen your interview skills. Understand the different...
The Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership is proud to host a virtual Job Club, a series of workshops designed to jump-start your employment. Despite the pandemic, there are still jobs available...
Excel Focus on Functions - Unleash the power of the IF function (Part 1): adding conditions to Excel tasksThis is part 1 of a 2-part series. Add power and complexity...
Get the inside scoop on what this company is looking for - ready to get hired? Join us for the In Home Caregivers Virtual Hiring EventIn Home Caregivers LLC is...
Your guide for building meaningful career plans - even if you change industries!Communication, Critical Thinking, Teamwork and Creativity are important skills in almost every job. But what is the secret...
Excel Focus on Functions - IF function (part 2): IF variations including nested IF, IFS, SUMIF and AVERAGEIFThis is part 2 of a 2-part series. Continue learning about the IF...
This is the third webinar in a series on MS Word. This 60-minute webinar looks at additional Word tools like mail merge, tables and moreThis is the third webinar in...
In this 60-minute webinar we'll talk about looped presentations, explore features like SmartArt, charts and, moreThis is the third webinar in a 3-part series on PowerPoint. In this 60-minute webinar...
Excel Advanced Concepts - Pivot Tables (part 1): Create and manipulate data with basic pivot tables and chartsThis is Part 1 of a 2-part series of webinars on Pivot Tables...
Excel Advanced Concepts - Pivot Tables (part 2): Slicers and Timelines, calculated fields, chart optionsThis is Part 2 of a 2-part series of webinars on Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts....