Interviews- Getting the interview – but not the job?
Maybe a little friendly coaching will help?Why are you getting the interview but not the job? Get the guidance you need to sharpen your interview skills. Understand the different types...
Maybe a little friendly coaching will help?Why are you getting the interview but not the job? Get the guidance you need to sharpen your interview skills. Understand the different types...
MS Word Basics: Basic editing and formatting: fonts, bulleted lists, indentation, line spacing, tabs, and printingRegistration ends by 5pm the day prior to the Webinar. Once you register on Eventbrite,...
Excel Basics (Part 2): Sort and filter data, work with columns, rows, and sheets, explore Excel's navigation tools, copy/pasteRegistration ends by 5pm the day prior to the Webinar. Once you...
Practice makes perfect - Conquer your job search nerves with these proven techniquesPlease take a deep breath. Are you ready to do it? Does looking for a new job scare...
MS Word Beyond the Basics - Introduction to Styles, headers and footers, mail merge, inserting graphic objects and tablesRegistration ends by 5pm the day prior to the Webinar. Once you...
Our #1 Workshop - Learn best practices to shine with confidence online! It REALLY makes a BIG difference! Virtual interviews are here to stay. Period. Are you ready? You finally...
Learn how to build your resume and work portfolio for your job search.
Join the Viant Wheeling Team – attend the Viant Virtual Job FairJoin the Viant Wheeling Team Attend the Viant Virtual Job Fair Find out how you can join the Viant...
Ever wonder what a hiring manager wants to hear in a job interview?Join the Dynomax Virtual Job FairDynomax’s strong reputation has been built on providing our customers with integrated precision...
How do I craft my resume to get interviewed and hired?What is an applicant tracking system? Learn how to target your resume to your dream job. Discover how to use...
Looking for A Great Job with a Great Company?Prepared Meals Virtual Job Fair Now Hiring! Make the Meals that Make a Difference Find out about this fast-growing company in Berkeley,...
Learn how to use web-based tools to help in your job search.